Group of Computational Epigenetic Research
Our group is focusing on Computational Epigenetics, and Computational Systems Biology. Our group is seeking national and international cooperation. Welcome to join us.
Life science and computer science are two major fields of science. As a marriage of the two, Bioinformatics are attracting more and more scientists and researchers. Until now, students and researchers of computer science and biology science are primary driving force. Yet, the situation is changing, for our group has enrolled several students who have learned bioinformatics in college, and our ability is accumulating.
Our major research areas are: Mining features of tDMRs; miRNA, hESC and epigentic network analysis; imprinting and epigentics; DNA methylation prediction.
Life science and computer science are two major fields of science. As a marriage of the two, Bioinformatics are attracting more and more scientists and researchers from diverse fields. Until now, students and researchers of computer science and biology science are primary driving force over the world. Yet, the situation is changing in our lab, for our research group has enrolled several students who have majored bioinformatics in college, and our scientific ability is accumulating.
Currently, our lab has 13 members. Our lab has regular research reports, everyone is involved in the activity. We are working hard towards the promising computational epigenetics.
Our lab is focusing on Bioinformatics, Computational Epigenetics, and Computational Systems Biology. Our labs have diverse background of specialities, including machematics, biology, computer science and bioinformatics. Our lab has publishing many excellent scientifical papers, and we are seeking national and international cooperation. Welcome to join us. Details are available by contacting Dr. Zhang (